Reflective Hour with Tammy Toney-Butler

Facing A Mountain?

Tammy Toney-Butler Season 2 Episode 9

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Are you facing a mountain? A mountain of doubt, despair, hopelessness, grief, or loss? Are you struggling with addiction to food, sex, porn, alcohol, opioids, marijuana or gambling? Are you using addiction to cope with childhood trauma such as neglect, sexual assault, abandonment, violence, or other forms of abuse?

Find hope today and break free of the lies of the past, unforgiveness, addiction, and more! 

Find peace, joy, hope, and healing through the love and forgiveness faith in the Lord Jesus Christ brings to all those who call on His mighty name. 

Listen now to Reflective Hour with Tammy Toney-Butler and find deliverance and freedom. 

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Good morning.  Welcome to Reflective Hour with Tammy Toney-Butler.  I'm your host today, but we all know who the host of this show is, and that's Christ. 

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So you can go back to the episodes, look at the transcripts, and get further learning and teaching on Biblical principles.

Oh, Holy Spirit. Come, have Your way in this time that we have together. 

This isn't about me.

It's about You.

 It's not about me.

It's about Spirit and Truth and the love of God shining in a dark world.

It's about the love above everything else.  Love does not keep a record of wrongs.

There's no condemnation in Christ. 

There's love.

There's forgiveness.
There's strength, joy, hope, peace. 

Love is the greatest thing that we have to give.  It's priceless. It costs nothing for us to show Christ's love to the world.

Many of us fall short of the Glory of the Lord.  We're sinners whom Christ redeemed.

We were dead, and He gave us life. 

I speak Life today into your circumstances. 

I speak Life today into your darkness.

 I speak Light where there's darkness. 

Hope, Truth, Love. 

How many of you are facing a mountain of financial debt and hardship?

Maybe your children are rebelling.  Maybe someone you know in your circle has succumbed to addiction and is struggling. 

How do you give those situations to God?

How do you speak Life into areas where there's drought?

You have to focus on God's Word, 

trust, obey,  surrender, 

surrender to the process,

and surrender to His Will for your life.

That's how you rejoice. 

That's how you find joy in the middle of your circumstances; in the middle of the storm, you face—joy, peace, love, and hope.

We need that in this nation, world, and Southwest Florida today. 

We need joy, love, and hope. 

Hope, knowing that God will work on our behalf no matter what we're facing. 

What does His Word say?

 How do we draw strength from that Eternal Wellspring of Living Water? 

He's our Bread of Life.  We are to drink from Him,  eat of His Flesh.

Remember, as it says in His Word.

We are to get every substance and sustenance needed to sustain us in times of famine or drought; we are to draw from Him, His strength, so that we can hold steadfast in the winds of change, never wavering,  always holding,  never compromising, drawing from the Truth,  drawing from the Holy Spirit to guide us and keep us and strengthen us,  to show us the way along that narrow path of righteousness for His Namesake.

What Word does He have for us today? 

What Word does He have for us today? 

As we find comfort in His creation. 

Comfort.  In the Comforter,  the Helper,  the Redeemer,  everything He is, is in His Name. 

Everything He is is in His name, 

Lord Jesus.

Everything you are is in Your Name. 

You died so we could live.  Your blood was shed on Calvary so that we did not succumb to the curse of death from sin.

We were dead,  cursed by the first Adam and the sin in the garden,  and then the Second Adam came.  Jesus.  And He redeemed and set us free, along paths of righteousness for His Namesake.

I will give you the tool you need in your tool chest to withstand any storm you're facing.

You will conquer it and have victory by faith.

Faith is not what we can see

with our visible eyes.  So, let's turn on your spiritual eyes and spiritual ears of understanding.

Let's open them so you can hear and see the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free.

For there's freedom in the Word of God.  The scriptures are alive. 

They are our bread.

We draw Life from them.

They sustain us.

They keep us.  Strengthen us. 

So, let's draw from His Word today.

Grab your coffee, grab your tea, refresh yourself,  and let's get into His Word.

We're going to be reading out of Mark,  Mark 11,  and we're going to start at  20,  and we're going to go through 25. 

So we're going to be reading Mark 11: 20-25.

Mark 11:20-25
New International Version

Jesus Says the Disciples Can Pray for Anything

20: In the morning,  as they went along, they saw the fig tree withered from the roots.

21: Peter remembered and said to Jesus, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered!”

[Remember He had approached the fig tree, saw it, He was hungry, and cursed it because no figs were on it.]

22: “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered.

23:  “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.

24: Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

25: And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”

And I was reading out of the Life Application Study Bible, the New International Version.

"Go throw yourself into the sea. "

That's what it said.

"If anyone says to this mountain, "

You have to speak God's Truth and bring His Light into the mountains you're facing, whether it's a mountain of credit card debt or a mountain of rebellion with your children, maybe those you foster,  you parent. 

Maybe you're in a blended family, whatever you're facing.

Maybe you are facing addiction, and you need to speak to that mountain of childhood trauma and say no more will; you have a hold on me? No more, will I use you to cope?

I won't use a drug to cope.  I will use the Comforter to cope.

I will seek out the Truth in God's Word, which sets us free

and breaks every chain of addiction,  every bondage or sorrow. 

Maybe you're facing a chronic illness.  or a cancer diagnosis. You speak to that mountain and say, move in the Name of Jesus.

Lord Jesus,  the Name, there's power in the Name. 

I bind and break every lie ever spoken over you, every spiritual attack by the enemy on your health; we bind and break and cast into the sea in the Name of Jesus. 

You will walk free knowing that you have been healed. 

You have been set free. 

You are children of the Light. 

Your children will be saved.

Surrender it to  Christ,  Abba Father. 

Trust  His Word of Truth.

You recite this scripture every single day. 

Put it up on your grease board, refrigerator, and bathroom mirror, and every day, you speak to that mountain you're facing. 

Whatever that mountain is. 

You say I serve a Mighty God. 

God's Word says this and God's Word. The Word is True. 

God does not lie.  He does not lie. 

And I believe in My Heavenly Father,  the Father who loved me so much that He sent His son to die on the Cross so I can live and be set free.

That's the God I serve.  That's the God of compassion and love. 

A Father who loved us so much. He gave His son for us.

I want Abraham's kind of faith.

Abraham was going to sacrifice his son because he was obeying God, but God delivered him, and He will deliver you out of any circumstance that you're facing. 

But you must let me repeat that; you must recite this scripture.  believing it in your heart, professing it with your mouth because words matter.

Do not speak death over yourself.

Do not say My Children will not be saved.

Do not say my children will die.

Do not say I will die from cancer.

Do not say I will die from diabetes.

Do not say that I will go into bankruptcy.

Do not say any of those things. 

You stand on the Word of God, the Promises of the Word of God.

And you fight,

you fight from a place of victory because we already have been given the victory. 

We've already been given it.  We walk in it.  It's been given to us.  Jesus died so we could live. It's already happened.  We already can draw from it.  We can take it now and use that power to speak to whatever mountain we face.

Whatever that mountain is, whatever we're facing, we can speak to it and cast it into the sea.

No more doubt, no more unbelief,  and no more unforgiveness. 

Unforgiveness can block this Word from working in your life, this scripture.

You've got to forgive, as it says in the Word, as it says right here.

"And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him."

That's a neighbor. That's an ex-husband, maybe a current husband. That's a friend. That's an organization, anything, whatever it is, you have to forgive.

Many people have wronged me in my life. They've spoken against me. They've spoken against this ministry. They've spoken against what God's called me to do.

They called me a Jesus freak. They've done so many things, but

we don't wrestle against flesh, its powers, principalities, and evil.

Look at Ephesians in Ephesians 6.

Read that.

Remember that.

Even in your children, even those you're, you're having trouble forgiving.

Remember,  we're spiritual, and spirits guide people.

And the god of this world with the little g, satan, comes to kill, steal, and destroy but refuse; Refuse to give in to him.  Do not give the devil any ground.

You say, satan, get behind me. satan, get behind me. 

I will not believe any of your lies.

God's Word says this.  God's Word says this.

And I'm going to reread it.

Mark  11: 20-25.
New International Version

20: In the morning, as they went along, they saw the fig tree withered from the roots.

21: Peter remembered and said to Jesus, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered!”

22: “Have faith in God,” Jesus answered.

23: “Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.

24: Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.

25: And when you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.”

We need to be quick to repent and quick to forgive.  

We live in a fallen world.

We sin,  but we must be free. 

We must know that freedom lies in forgiving ourselves and forgiving others. 

Many of us forget to forgive ourselves. 

Forgive yourself.  

You've made choices based on survival mode or out-of-trauma responses.

Maybe you never had a father or mother to show you the right way. 

Maybe the streets raised you up.

Whatever it is,  forgive yourself. 

God has forgiven you. 

Jesus came so we could live. 

Repent of your sins and say, Jesus, forgive me.  I want to walk with You. I want to surrender my life to You. 

I want to live. 
I want to be set free, and you can,

you can, you can have freedom. 

Another thing that I had on my heart today to read was this devotional, "Wake Up to Hope Devotional."

It's by Joel and Victoria Osteen,  and I  wanted to read it today. 

I wanted to read a particular page,  actually pages 10 and 11,  and I'm not sure why, but this is what was open in front of me. 

I think I was supposed to read it yesterday, but I didn't, and it's all in God's perfect timing.

And I know He wants me to read it today.

So I believe that it's going to touch someone's life.

And remember to subscribe to www.reflectivespacesministry. com, their blog, or email us at info@reflectivespacesministry. com.

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Then, you can follow Reflective Hour with Tammy Toney-Butler on YouTube or all the Apple and other podcast formats. 

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So, we're going to read this today.

The Lord will fight for you again, reading from Joel and Victoria Osteen's book, "Wake Up to Hope Devotional. "

"The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. and remain at rest. "

Exodus 14: 14 (AMPC).

Reading from Book Exert Pages 10-11 (Osteen, 2016).

We're always going to have critics who will always have difficult people who try to upset us and still our peace and joy.

But you don't have to respond to every critic.  You can decide to take the high road and let God, fight your battles for you.  Sometimes, no matter what you say or do, there will be people who aren't going to accept you.  They just don't want to be at peace with you.  In fact, when Jesus sent out his disciples to certain homes, He told them to always seek peace over those homes.

And then he said, in effect,  if they don't receive the peace that you're offering, it will come back to you.  That tells me that if you do your best to be at peace with people, even if they won't receive your peace, that peace will just come back to you.  You'll not only get your peace, but you'll get their share as well.

That's double for your trouble.  When you do the right thing,  no matter what is happening, God sees and rewards you.

A prayer for today.  Father God, I give you all the honor and praise today. I choose to hold my peace and remain at rest. I choose to do the right thing even when the wrong thing is happening.  I refuse to allow anything to steal my peace or joy because the joy of the Lord is my strength.

The joy of the Lord is my strength.  I declare that You are giving me double for my trouble. I thank You for fighting for me. Help me to always take the high road and walk in love and peace with others in Jesus's name (Osteen, 2016). 

And I add to that, help us to forgive God.

Help us to forgive ourselves and help us to forgive others. Amen.

Osteen continues, "This is a wake-up call.  When you respond in love and peace to others who don't accept you and leave it up to God to pay you back, you have the Creator of the universe fighting your battles, arranging things in your favor, going before you, and moving the wrong people out of the way. I believe and declare you are going to see God's payback in amazing ways."

Let's read that one more time. 

"When you respond in love and peace to others who don't accept you and leave it up to God to pay you back, you have the creator of the universe fighting your battles, arranging things in your favor, going before you, moving the wrong people out of the way. I believe and declare you are going to see God's payback in amazing ways (Osteen, 2016)."

And again, reading out of Joel and Victoria Osteen's "Wake Up to Hope Devotional. "

Wow.  It's powerful. 

We forgive and need to surrender and obey because God will fight our battles. 

We have to give it to Him. It's His Power that will deliver us out of bondage.

It's His Power that will deliver us in times of drought.

It's His Power that will help us when we have a child who's struggling with addiction or a family member or when we have someone we love who's facing a terminal diagnosis.

Jesus is the Healer. By His Stripes, we are healed; by His Stripes, we are healed.

That's past tense. That means it's already happened.

That means it's already happened.  We've already been healed.

We have to walk from a place of victory.

We have to speak to the mountain. 

We've already been healed.

Everything's already ours.

Jesus died so we could have access to it.

He died so we could have access to it.

Kenneth Hagin's ministry spoke a lot about faith, past tense, and knowing that Jesus came to set us free and that we have been healed. 

He teaches a lot about faith. 

We have to have faith,  strong faith, calling those things.  that are not seen as if they were. 

You have been healed.  

You have been set free.

Your child will live. 

Your child will be delivered from addiction.  

You will be the head and not the tail; 

the lender and not the borrower.  

You will succeed.  

You are chosen.  

You are chosen.  

You are chosen.  

Walk in the Victory in Christ Jesus today!

We pray these things in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost. over your life. Amen.
Be bearers of Light and Truth in a dark world.  

Repent,  ask for forgiveness,  forgive others, forgive yourself, and walk in the freedom and love that Christ Jesus brings to all.  

That's today's episode of Reflective Hour with Tammy Toney-Butler.