Reflective Hour with Tammy Toney-Butler

Triggers, Emotional Healing, and Overcoming Anger

Tammy Toney-Butler Season 2 Episode 21

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TRIGGER WARNING: Difficult subject matter discussed that may evoke a melody of feelings. 

Today, on Reflective Hour with Tammy Toney-Butler, we have a mighty man of God, author, teacher, Prophet, prayer warrior, and Pastor. Let's welcome Pastor Henry Nwaneri to the show! 

Pastor Henry, as I call him, has mentored me and other survivors. 

He is providing hope, healing, and pathways to restoration. We will listen to Dr. Nwaneri discuss his book, " Triggers, Walking in Emotional Healing & Overcoming Subtle Anger."

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Welcome to today's episode of Reflective Hour with Tammy Toney-Butler. I'm your host, but you all know who the host of this show is, and that's Christ. Everything we do is because of him. Every guest we have on, he directs our steps, lights our path. Today we have a special guest, Pastor Henry Wanari. You'll hear me call him Pastor Henry. He's a mighty man of faith. He's been a spiritual mentor of mine and has been fighting in the trenches, advocating for survivors of sex trafficking and human trafficking. He is a man that I've gleaned much knowledge from. And today we are going to be interviewing him and discussing his book, Triggers, Walking in Emotional Healing and Overcoming Subtle Anger. So you'll want to tune in and listen. And in the notes, there's ways to purchase. This is just one of many books that he has. So I am going to go ahead and I am going to welcome Pastor Henry. Hi, Pastor Henry. Hello, good afternoon, Tammy. You are always too kind with your words. Oh, that's it's all true. But you're always so humble. And I'm just so grateful that you could be on Reflective Hour, that we could glean knowledge from you. And, you know, you and I, we just follow the Holy Spirit. So we're just going to let him have his way. I'm just a platform that he uses. And again, we're honored. I would love if you want to open us up in a prayer. That would be amazing. I would love that. Father, I give you praise today, Lord. Thank you for an opportunity to be your hand, your voice. to express your love to a generation and to people, Lord. Father, we ask that whatever is said today, whatever is done today, every iota of it, Lord, will be saturated with your perfect will and your perfect plan. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. Sorry, my phone always goes off. If I don't put it on silent, I didn't even know it wasn't on silent. So I'm very sorry. Oh, it's happened to all of us. I had to look down at mine. We're kind of real. I already put it on silent, but I didn't put the ringers on silent. I'm sorry about that. I think I did, but I don't know. Anyway, the struggle is real. Listen, God loves us, right? No matter what. Amen. It is well. Oh, I just really when you contacted me, there was so many things that stood out. And you you've authored so many books and oh, my gosh, I could just take forever and just talk about everything you've done, which I know you don't like that and wouldn't like that. The book Trigger has fascinated me. And there's another one about, I believe, food or what we put in our bodies. You've got so many. You know, this is a platform about hope healing. It's geared towards survivors of all kinds of trauma. Henry, just have the floor. You say whatever God is putting on your heart. You know why we're here today, even if it goes after the one. So have the floor. Amen. Amen. Um, Tommy, it's such an honor to know you. Um, there's a sweet spirit about you. There is, there is a passion. Um, I told you long ago, the hand of the Lord was upon you and I've been just honored to watch you step into the calling of God upon your life. And every time we chat, I am amazed at, at the depth of revelation, at the depth and passion with which you come, uh, with the word and with what God has given you. So once again, congratulations on all you're doing. And I will be remiss if I don't say hi to the cows and to your husband and to everybody. It's such an honor to be with you. Well, today, when I was praying in the morning, the Lord dropped something really heavy for me and something very specific from my book, Triggers. And I wanted to, I'm not going to take long, but I just, I want to do a session where I'll talk and then I'll probably let you ask me a bunch of questions, especially if people are asking questions. But at the end, I also envisage that there'll be a session where we can minister to people. Anybody who is alive, we can minister to them because God has just been downloading a bunch of things to me. First thing, when I woke up this morning, one of the things God was speaking to me about was how one of our struggles is, I wouldn't say one of our struggles, I think the greatest struggles Christians can have is when we try to be Christians without the Spirit of God. That's one of the greatest struggles. And I won't bore you with a lot of proof. I want to go fast into what God is asking me to say. But even Jesus himself, there were realms of walking with him that we could not partake fully of if we did not have the Spirit. And one day in 1999, I had a dream and God was frustrated. He was angry in heaven. And this is how God speaks to me. I had been in a prophetic office then. And when I see dreams and God is showing me something in heaven, he's going to explain a lot to me. And God was frustrated and frustrated. And there was an angel who was standing by and he wouldn't let me get close. And then he said... He said, go back and research if God was ever frustrated in the Bible. And so I went back in the Bible and I spent weeks. It was two and a half weeks. I was reading the Bible. I read the Bible. We didn't have chat GPT then. We didn't have Google then. We didn't have, the only thing I had there was two huge Bibles. I had what we used to call the Thompson Chain Reference Bible. which was then the second most voluminous bible and one of the best bibles if you were a bible scholar to have then in 1999 especially you know I had just come from africa then to canada and then I had the dex bible which was black leather and it was bigger and and the good thing about the dex and the thompson was that inside it you had the chain reference you had the concordance you had the you know the annotations you had the pictures and everything and so I buried myself for weeks I mean I barely ate I ate once a day that's one of the things about me I i now I eat maybe a lot more but but in those days I would eat maybe once a day and I buried myself you know looking for every word matthew henry um scoffield I was looking at all the um Bible commentaries and concordances and I was trying to find words that would be synonymous with frustration especially with God. When we human beings are frustrated we do things that God cannot be happy with. I'll give you a good instance. Number one frustration that we can easily remember is the frustration of Moses. Moses got so frustrated that he expressly disobeyed an express instruction. Take note of that. He disobeyed. God said, speak to the rock. And out of frustration, he smoked the rock a second time. And God was angry. So God became frustrated with Moses because Moses was frustrated. Oh, my God. I could preach all day on this. But like I said, I won't be long. So I researched this and I was looking for everything that the Bible had to say about the frustrations of heaven. And then I found out that the greatest frustration God had was lined up everywhere in the Bible, everywhere, all through God's creation and relationship with humanity. God had always been frustrated. Bear with me. I'm taking this some way. We need to go back a little bit so that we can catch what God is about to do. The first frustrations are right there in the book of Genesis chapter 1. Right there in the book. I mean, the whole book of Genesis chapter 1 is replete with the frustrations of God. Every time God created and saw that it was good, it was a reproof from frustration. oh you're not getting this you're not getting this it was a respite from frustration what frustration I'll explain and it's important to understand this because until we understand it we won't understand a verse of scripture that I'm going to speak from that will now set us up for freedom from a lot of mental issues a lot of mental uh uh emotional situations from things that trigger us and we'll talk about triggers very soon And so I was reading in Genesis chapter 1, after the very first verse, in the beginning was the word, the word, sorry, that's John. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void. Okay. But have you ever considered that the fact that the Bible says that the Holy Spirit hovered over the face of the deep was a frustration? was I mean and you know let's let's go down a little bit of a rabbit hole now so when you hear scientists say that the world is how the earth is billions of years ago it's easy to understand there is no quantification of how long verse 2 of genesis chapter 1 is there's no quantification of it the bible says that the spirit of god hovered over the face of the deep And there's no time because the very beginning of the first tick of the clock was not in Genesis chapter one, verse one. It was in Genesis chapter one, verse three. Genesis chapter one, verse three, there was no time. And so you cannot understand why the Bible says that a million years is like a day unto the Lord because boom, there's no time with God. Oh, come on, bear with me. Just follow me until you get to where I'm going. But look down the road. The Holy Spirit is frustrated and he's brooding over the dark of the deep. He's brooding over waters, no creation, no friendship, no intimacy. He's brooding over the destruction of the beauty that is in the mind of God. Don't forget that. That follows. And I don't want to go down certain things that people start saying, whoa, explain that. Don't forget that that follows Isaiah where the Bible says that I saw the devil fall like a lightning. The fall of Lucifer was what made whatever God had created at that time destroyed, made it dark, made it without form and void. Darkness. God did not create it like that. So in Genesis 1, we see the introduction of God being frustrated because the time had not come for the manifestation of the beauty that God is about to create. And hear me, somebody. Hear me, somebody. God is frustrated when you are not where he wants you to be. Hello? Yes, yes. If there is ever going to be a catalyst for you to be healed, it is Genesis 1, 1 and 2. that God is frustrated, hovering over your life, over the deep, over the darkness and the void, over the chaos, over the lack of beauty, over all of those sicknesses, over all of those wrong decisions, over all of those nights of crying, nights of frustrations, over all of those being triggered by things that make us offended, make us angry make us emotionally weak make us mentally weak whatever it is that is not beautiful whatever it is that is that god wants to raise that beauty from ashes that before that god is brooding over you and watching and saying when my daughter are you going to wake up when my son are you going to wake up and in his mind don't forget that he he is the god that knows the end from the beginning so he knows where you're going to but he he has a perfect will for you and he's waiting for his perfect will And your will to merge. Yes. And that waiting is frustration for him. Frustration he feels it. Oh, it's important to understand that. Yes. That is why every day One of the things I love doing when I study the Bible is to ask questions because whenever most of the visions I have had that God has spoken to me are visions where he's teaching me something, either from the Bible or just he's teaching me something and it's always for myself. And one of the biggest ways God teaches me things is to ask me questions. And one question God asked me way back May 1999 was, why did I need to rest? Ooh, that's a good one. Why did I need to rest? Hello? There were about 23 questions he asked me on that day. That was one. Let me show you two or three more that he asked me. He said, why did I need six days to create? Why not just boom? As a matter of fact, science is saying most of the things happen by a big bang, right? Because God took it in one second. But why did I need six days? And guess what? I didn't just rest on the seventh day, on the Sabbath day. I rested every day after creation. Why did I need that much rest? Well, we're not answering those questions today, but I just wanted you to see and understand the foreplay that leads to where we're going. Because everything that God created, he saw that it was good. And every day of creation is ended, is closed with that one sentence. And God saw that it was good. Except the creation of man. Except the creation of man. That leads me to the verse of scripture that I want to use. for today, which is 2 Timothy 1, verse 7, if you can go there. I want to read 2 Timothy 1, verse 7. 2 Timothy 1, verse 7. Hallelujah. I don't know if anybody's getting blessed. I'm getting blessed. I don't know if anybody's getting blessed. Hallelujah. 2 Timothy 1, verse 7. Here's what it says. For God has not given us the spirit. I want to stop there. I paused for effect. I hope it worked. God has not given us the spirit. God has not given us the spirit. Hey, let me tell you something. The spirit of God is still brooding over you. Genesis chapter one, verse two. The spirit of God is still brooding over you. But this time around, he's not frustrated. The three characters of that spirit that is watching over you is the character of fearlessness, the character of power, the character of love, sound mind. And I'll advise, I like giving Bible assignments. I'll advise, go read several versions of 2 Timothy 1.7. and see what other words can be used interchangeably for these four characters. It says, God has not given you the spirit of fear. So let's come down to one of the greatest foundations of negative triggers in our lives, fear. When you act in fear, You are acting in a way that frustrates the spirit of God that broods over you. But the truth is that many of us still don't know that fear is foundational of the things that trade ours. Fear of getting hurt, fear of going back to the past, fear of being offended. Fear of being disrespected. Fear of not being loved. It's a foundational root of fear. A foundational root of a lack of understanding of the spirit that God has given us. look at the mess. You see, when the Spirit of God looked in Genesis chapter 1 verse 2, looked at the darkness and the deep and the chaos and the void and the formlessness of the whole of creation, when the Spirit of God looked at it, he wasn't afraid. He did not say, what can ever happen to this? What can ever be of this? No. Our response to a devoidness of God is fear. That's our natural response. Our response to a future without the mark and the imprint of God is fear. Everything we do out of fear signifies our lack of faith in what God can do. Everything we do out of fear is a mark of us responding to stimuli, responding to the things we have seen. Without a conscious knowledge that God can do something else in our lives. Yes. And let me tell you something. Yes. Fear will perpetuate the devil. Let me say that again. Yes, say that again. Fear will make what the devil is doing to continue. Yes. Yes. Your fear... will make what the devil is doing to continue. I think it was Job who said, that which I feared has befallen me. Every step of fear, listen carefully to Job. Every step of Job's life was buttered with fear. A wealthy man that had 10 children, seven boys and three girls. I have another book on Job. It's A Curse, Good and Die. But that's just separate about how not to advise people who go through crisis because Job's wife said, curse, good and die. Why? Because every step of life that they thought was good ultimately turned around and became bad because they had this in-depth fear of something going wrong. When he worshiped God, he worshiped God from a place of fear. not from a place of trust in God. And love. All the money he made, he made from a place of fear, not from a place of trust in God. Fear becomes the thing that disassociates us from the eternity of the blessing of God. If you're living in fear, it does not matter how wealthy you become, that which you fear will befall you. That's what I mean by fear perpetuates evil. Fear perpetuates the devil. And that's the foundation of our insecurity, fear. That's the foundation of our lack of trust, fear. That's the foundation of our negativity because negativity, and I have another book on negativity. Negativity is our way of shielding ourselves from having faith. I don't want to have faith. I'm afraid I will fail. I'm afraid I will fail. Oh, I'd rather not say anything good about this because it's not going to happen. It's not going to be, or even if it happens, it won't be, it will be short lived. So I better stay in this place where I am comfortable and be negative. It's like Nathaniel, we were talking about that a few days ago, madam. When I said, when the Bible says that Nathaniel said concerning Jesus, Can any good thing come out of Nazareth? He was talking from the place of fear. I don't want to trust that the Bible or the scriptures, the Torah and the angel had said a prophet would come. I'd rather stay in this place where Nazareth will keep being bad. And whenever any prophet comes up, yeah, that's right. We've seen that. So when Jesus comes and his brother comes and tells him from the place of negativity, out of fear of stepping out and having faith, he said, no, nothing good can come out of Nazareth. Fear will steal from you. That's why the first thing God says about his spirit that he gives us is that it is not a spirit of fear. But if power loves us, then why? He says it's not a spirit of fear. It's not a spirit that doubts. It's not a spirit that is afraid. And we think fear, like people say, is false experience appearing real or whatever. No, no, no. That's just the cheapest level of fear. Deep inside are those fears. Let me give you a good example. Yes. One of the things that moved Eve to accept the fruit or even listen to the serpent was fear. Do you know that? That's good. Let me show it to you. When the serpent said, did God say you should not eat of this fruit? He said, yeah, God said we can eat of any fruit here, but that one, no, we cannot. The devil said, wow, you will not surely die if you eat of this fruit. You would be wise. You would be wonderful. You would know things that you're supposed to know. When she looked at the fruit and saw that it was good, Here, let me tell you something. How can you, from that high place, look at something that is so low and imagine that it is so good that it will make you better than where you are? Here's why. It is because you are afraid that where you are is not as high as it should be. That was what made Eve to take the fruit. When she saw that it was good, you know, let me say this. Knowledge has a cap, especially in the Garden of Eden. What more did Eve imagine she could have beyond what she had? I'm reading Genesis now, and I have never seen the book of Genesis like I'm seeing it now. I'm never seeing it. I'm reading, you know, we read and we rush past it so easily. Imagine the Bible saying things like, Noah was 600 years old when he had this child. I mean, at 50, we stopped having children. I mean, can you imagine that? And you know, now that we are here where we are, I'm looking at what Eve gave up and I'm wondering, hey honey, what were you afraid of? I don't get it. She had everything. You had everything. Everything. What were you afraid that you did not have? Yeah. And he's the deceiver, right? He's the ultimate deceiver. And by the way, we see your comments. They're saying to you, Pastor Henry, wow, this is so good. We agree 100%. Well, thank you, listeners. Thank you from all over, all parts of the world who are listening to us. We just thank you so much. And Pastor Henry, you're on a roll. And I agree with you. And I just want to add in before you continue on the fear. The biggest thing that I had as a survivor of child sex trafficking and who I lost my dad to suicide. And he had abandoned me before that because he had his own trauma. I think I was afraid. Almost all of my life, minus the past maybe eight years, I'm trying to think when the Lord really got a hold of me, 2018, 2017, I forget the exact years. And fear dictated my life. Fear dictated who I chose as a mate because I was afraid to be alone. Fear dictated the job I chose and how much I worked because I was always going to control my own way. No one was ever going to hurt me again. I was going to make my own money. I was going to do everything. Fear dictated every choice I made. I don't think I slept with the lights off. until maybe 15 years ago and I'm 50 like I don't know four years old maybe 54 55. and so most of my life I was afraid and afraid of people of stepping out and showing people who I really was because I was worthless I didn't matter you know it was all those seeds of deception planted from the devil just like he did with Eve, and she listened to them. And the greatest thing that Christ did when he set me free was he took the fear away, the weight of it. I mean, the unbelievable weight of it, trying to sleep with it, trying to go on dates with it, trying to go to jobs with it. When he took that spirit of fear and I laid it at the foot of the cross and I was reborn and had such peace and joy again, I've never been the same because you do work from a place of victory. You're able to follow God in his perfect will for your life because you're not afraid of the other shoe that's going to fall because perfect love casts out all fear. And he is our love. This is powerful what you're ministering to us. And I know to our listeners, and I'm getting stuff out of it. So you just keep going. Whatever God's doing, I'm just going to sit here. And you keep going. We got all day. So I want to shift into something else because this is where it begins to apply to us. So the first few things you need to do is to identify your fears. You know, you need to identify your fears every, you know, and fear. Can I tell you something? Fear comes to us in various colors and shape. I mean, have you ever had them say this, that do not fear is the one thing that is repeated 360 times in the Bible? Thou shalt not fear, be not afraid. 360 times in the Bible. Technically meaning you can take one every day of the year. One every day of the year. Listen carefully. When David became anointed, one of the greatest things that happened in his life was the extrication of fear from his life. Oh my God, Psalm 27. This is one of the assignments God gave me before. And when you learn this, it changes your life. Every book of Psalms, you can find an underlying theme of fear in it. Every book of Psalm, I can take you through it. I have a book I'm coming out with very soon, and I'm writing a lot because, can I tell you something? A time is gonna come when they are not gonna let us do this over our digital platforms. You know that? The time is coming when we can't do this anymore. The time is coming when your archives will be locked up and the world cannot see it. And so God said, get your books in material. Get them in hard copy form. So my messages are going to be a lot on hard copy form now. And I'm going to buy a lot of them and hide them on the ground. I'm a conspiracy theorist. No, no, no. Okay, listen. And that will be my greatest gift. So I said, okay, that's it, that's it, okay, that's it. Now, get back on the path. Now, I was talking about discovering or discerning your fears. And I was saying that in the book of Psalms, there's every chapter of Psalms, especially those written by David, you can find an underlying theme of fear. So for instance, Psalm 23, the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want... is an overcoming of fear really there is an underlying actually every verse in that you know every verse in psalm 23 is an overcoming of fear he said the lord is my shepherd I will never get lost I will never be unprotected I shall know one I will never lack he leads me I will never be lost you know every step of it you know but these are things that build our fears that make us respond to life. Oh, come on, you didn't get what I'm saying. So a lot of us that are in situations in our life, we are responding because we haven't grabbed the whole of God and his word in a way to deal with a fear that is making us respond the way we are responding. Oh, did you get that? Did you get that? Psalm 23. I don't want to spend a lot of time there. I want to spend more time in maybe Psalm 27 because that's been one of my favorite scriptures from the time I gave my life to Christ in the 80s. And here's what it says. The Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? the lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid if you read psalm 27 it reeks of a man who is fearless and let me say it again that when the spirit of god comes upon your life it's not just a boldness you see boldness is a product of lack of fear oh you didn't get that you is a product of the lack of fear the moment you lose a certain fear you become bold there's a boldness can never come upon you until you have dealt with a certain fear in your life oh come on somebody I'm not worth looking at the comments but anybody here I'm interacting with a boy they're just keep going because everybody's getting so much out of this Just say, I need to say, somebody say something. Say, I get this. Say, I get this, Pastor. Wow. Let me know. Come on, come on. Give me some. Oh, they're saying yes. Yes, they're getting it. They agree. Okay, good, good, good. So Psalm 27, everything that David was saying was a manifestation of the overcoming of fear in his life. And there's a reason why God did it. I was listening to Benny Hinn. I was listening to Benny Hinn, and I love listening to Benny. Oh, I do too. And there was something he was saying, and I said it all the time, but because I was preparing for this, it just hit me again. It just hit me again. You see, David was anointed three times in the Bible. If you read it, David was anointed three times, but every anointing took him to a new level of fearlessness. Every anointing took him to a new level of fearlessness. See the fearlessness that made him, you know, a 16, 17 year old boy say, no, I'm not taking the bad news to my daddy that a lion took one of the lamb. I'd rather fight a lion in the field than take a bad news. That fearlessness, that level was just preliminary. Come on, somebody. Are you hearing me? Amen. Amen. A lot of us have lost things because of fear. David did not lose a lamb. that a lion took. The Bible says he grabbed the lion, yanked the mouth open, freed his lamb and then killed the lion. How many times have we lost things that the devil came and grabbed and we left it because we are afraid of fighting back. We'd rather go back with a negative story than be afraid of fighting. And when that fear is in our life, Even though we succeed in many areas of our life, there is a tendency that we are responding. The Spirit of God was hovering over the dark, but he did nothing stupid. He didn't do anything ungodly. He didn't do anything wrong. He was hovering in faith. Because Jeremiah 29, verse 11, For I know the thoughts that I have towards you. They are thoughts of good, not of evil, to bring you a hope and a future. People who are afraid can never have hope. Oh, that's good. Come on, get that, somebody. People, the day God takes fear away, there's a fear that God needs to take away from your life for you to have hope. Yes. There's a fear that God, it's not every fear. I mean, God can take away that fear and there are some of that fear still there, but there's a specific... specific fear that the moment God is able to surgically find it and the time is right and he gets a hook and hooks it and pulls out that demonic spirit and serpentine spirit of fear out of you and completely sets you free you become a hopeful person no matter what you go through you can look down the road in the future and have hope because hope make it not ashamed hope tells me that no matter what I am going through now I will be better tomorrow hope says I will not die but leave to declare the goodness of the lord hope says that I will see the goodness of the lord in the land of the living while I am yet alive not when I'm dead so no matter what you are going through no matter how broke you are right now no matter the emptiness of your account, no matter the abuses you're faced in your past, God is telling you hope is the removal of the fear in trusting him that tomorrow will be better. And it doesn't matter what tomorrow will be. Remember I said that in Genesis 1 and 2, there's no time. Because let me tell you something, time has a way of placating fear. Say it again. Say it again. Let me give you an illustration. If for instance, every night demons take hold of dogs and animals all over town and then they roam the streets, they bang doors and break doors and bite people and kill people. I'm painting a picture because I really need you to get this. And then you wake up because there's a huge noise at your door. You know you slept around 10, 11 p.m. if you slept early. If you slept late, maybe 1, 2 after prayer or whatever. And you know that this is night time that demons have possessed animals and made them monsters and they are breaking down doors and you have kids in the house. And the first thing you will do is what? You will look at the time. Hello? The moment you see, you see, whatever the time is has a way of affecting your fear. Ooh, yes. Oh, come on, you didn't get that. Whatever the time is, if it is 1.45, you are more afraid because there's going to be five hours of darkness that you have to battle the devil. But what about if it is 6.35 and you're all of a sudden feeling that the sun is about to rise? There's a hope in you, you see? Hope is influenced by time. And that's why Genesis chapter 1 verse 2 is timeless because God wanted to have Luke at the devil face on and say, I don't care how long you've messed things up. I will make them good. Amen. Because we have the authority as believers. We have the authority to walk in freedom and not walk in fear. And we have the authority to resist the devil. We resist him and he shall flee. And we won't take that. Whenever that thought comes in, whenever that fear tries to grip you, you do not let it happen. And you just say, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus. Even if you can't utter another word, because there is no fear where perfect love is. And he wants you to lay down that victim, to not be afraid to live a victorious life, to not be afraid to step out. to step out and step into who he's called you to be for this is the hour that you break free and you break off those chains of fear those chains those chains that have bound you for decades we got the people out of Egypt but did we get Egypt out of them it is time for you to lose your Egypt it is time for you to walk free it is time for you to walk into who God has called you to be this is the hour this is the hour it doesn't matter our circumstances it doesn't matter the darkness of the world there is no time he is with you he is with you he is with you and you are free free is free indeed amen amen free indeed so one of one of the freedoms you will face when you break away from fear, is the fear of time. That's why Joel chapter two talks about, he says, he will restore to you the time that the canker worm, the locust, the palmer worm have destroyed. It's time that God is restoring there. You know that? Even though the Bible says he will restore to you the years. Years are just a quantification of time. And we're claiming it all the years, the locusts, the canker worm, the power of snow. We're getting it back to the candy in the name of Jesus. Let me give you a good illustration. One of the greatest fears of time that we have is the time of age. You're afraid of how much time you lost or wasted in the past, or you are afraid of how much time is left in the future. And there are some people who are watching today You need to overcome that fear. That's why Paul said, for me to live is Christ, to die is gain. He was telling you indirectly that he had a fearlessness of how much time, whatever time he had left. That's what he was saying. And let me say this. The day you overcome, the day you learn how to line up your fears and begin to overcome them. You will say like David said in Psalm 23, yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death. Yeah, and I don't have the time to explain that verse today, but you will say it. Yeah, even if I walk, you will walk through fire. Look at it again. You see, compared to what he said in Psalm 27, he says, do a host rise up against me. This was a man that was roaming the streets of Israel, hiding in caves and catacombs from a king that had authority over all the land. The only thing that he had was fearlessness. That's the only thing. He was so fearless that while the army of Israel was pursuing him, he crept up behind the king, caught his garment and showed it to all of Israel and said, those of you protecting the king are doing such a horrible job. I mean, we're talking about a man that is running for his life. Can I say something to some of you? Let me speak over you. I feel that there's someone watching or somebody going to watch. And you've been through a season in the past one year, exactly 13 months today. So go back maybe last year, July, till today. There's been like a crisis that you've been going through. And I hear the Spirit of the Lord say to tell you that I'm building faith and boldness in you. You see, when people say what cannot kill you makes you stronger, here is what they are literally saying. That when you go through the shadow, the valley of the shadow of death, and you don't die, you become strong enough to go through it consciously awake. You're no longer afraid of it. And I'm speaking to some of you here listening today. The spirit of fear is most times will only listen to the boldness with which you go through the valley of the shadow of death. As long as you go through the valley of the shadow of death with your eyes closed, I don't want to say it, I don't want to say it, you are always going to be afraid of it. But the day you open your eyes and face it, you overcome it. And the day you overcome it, You're set free from everything it is able to do in your life. You're set free from things that trigger you. You're set free from not being able. I know people who can't stay in church when somebody is preaching. When there's a particular person who is preaching, they have to, you know, you learn that the Lord is my light and my salvation. Whom shall I fear? That God has not given you the spirit of bondage again to fear. God's spirit does not bring fear. upon your life he gives you a spirit and I'm going to go that's actually the next thing I want to say he's giving you a spirit that deals with fear that overcomes fear that's god's plan for your life the first one of the first foundational things that the spirit of god does in your life is to make you overcome fear see one of the greatest problem people have when they want to give their lives to christ is fear did you know that If you're ever preaching to people and there's a struggle whether they want to give their life to Christ or not, just break the spirit of fear and watch what happens. They will rush the altar. They will rush the altar. You know, they're afraid. That's what happened to Nicodemus. You know, that's what happened to him. When Nicodemus was a scribe, a Pharisee or a Sadducee, one of the two, the Bible says this man was learned. Actually, today he would have been a lawyer, a legal counsel. That's what he would have been. Guess what? He watched the life of Christ so much that he said, whatever that man has is better than what I have as a Pharisee and a Sadducee. So at night he goes to Jesus Christ. He says, Jesus, Jesus, I want what you have. How can I get it? Jesus said, you need to be born again. Guess what? He said, do you mean a man should go back into his mother's womb and be born again? Guess what? He was afraid of going all the way back, giving up everything now, going all the way back. If that was the key to this thing that he stole away at night to find out, why wouldn't he grab it? Fear! Fear! And a lot of us are afraid, you know, we are afraid of losing everything. Come on, somebody get to legs. We are afraid of losing everything. We are afraid of the devil attacking us and losing our children and losing our family, losing our home, losing fear, fear, fear, fear, fear. And God is saying that you will always be triggered. Hey, hey, hey, hey, sorry. I didn't mean to go there. When they said, if you don't take a certain thing, you cannot retain your job. It was fear that made a lot of us take it. Yes. I'm sorry to go there. It was fear. But when you say, and let me jump to something the Bible says in the book of Revelation. It says, and they overcame him by three things. Three things they used to overcome. They overcame him by the blood of the lamb, the word of their testimonies. And guess what? Loving not their lives, even unto death. Guess what? They were not afraid of dying. Read it again. It says, and one of the things was loving not their lives. And it sounds so 21st century-ish, right? Hey, here's what it literally means. The third thing was fearlessness. Fearlessness, not being afraid. of whatever the devil will throw at you. Not being afraid of the devil saying, if you don't do this, you won't do this. I am not afraid of that. Not being afraid. That was what the disciples had that made them stand by and get chopped up and get chopped up by swords and get, you know how Isaiah died, right? They put him inside the hollow of the trunk of a tree and then they saw through him and pretended they were cutting a tree. That's how they killed Isaiah, the prophet. They crucified Peter and he was there hanging and fearlessness made him say, hey, please don't hang me the way you hung my Lord. Turn me upside down. And they turned Peter upside down. When fearlessness comes, death... Go read your second... First Chronicles 15. The way we overcome death is fearlessness. Yes. Yes. Well, because this is not our home. When the spirit of the Lord comes in with the Holy Spirit dwells in you and you, you know, you believe that that Jesus is the son of God and you surrender your will, you know, for his, which is difficult for us to do as trauma survivors to let someone come in and take over. But he is a God that you can trust, a loving God. And when you do that, it is that fear is gone because you realize I'm here visiting. This is not my home. And you literally the more spiritual you become, the less part of this earth you you become. And you actually long to go home and you struggle with going home and staying, going home and staying. Absolutely. And that's the thing. And also when you let go with the things of this world, when I sold everything I own to follow God, the sailboat, everything, every possession. And we have very few possessions now. We live in a little small house. It's only like 576 square feet. And that includes the porch. We don't have stuff stored up. I don't have a lot of purses. I don't have a lot of high heels. I don't have a lot of any of that stuff because you realize nothing is important anymore. other than letting people know the freedom and the goodness that the gospel brings. And I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid to go where God calls me to go and do what he calls me to do. And this is from someone who my husband will tell you, I used to sit in our sailboat down in the cabin and I would be like this catatonic when we first got the sailboat, when we would heal a little bit. And he had to work through my complex PTSD and that fear And it was through his love and that safe environment and then the love of Jesus that I was able to shed all of that, get rid of all that, uproot all that, lay it at the foot of the cross because Jesus died so we can live by his stripes. You were healed. We're not supposed to carry depression. It's not our portion. Cancer is not our portion. None of that is our portion. It is healing that is our portion. And how do we do that? We let go of that fear. We let go of the fear of death and we take on the mantle and the love of Christ. Amen. Amen. I love that. That's so true. That's so true. I love how your testimony, I hear it all the time when you talk and it's just, you know, flows with. with the basic things of how God can take us from where we are. And I wanted to show this. I have an appointment at 2.30 my time, which is in about 40 minutes. But I really wanted to show this. And then I want to pray for some people. So when he says, for God has not given us the spirit of fear, he now says, but I've given you the spirit of power. And I've been studying that word, power. dunamis, exousia, two of them put together. And one of the first sign of fearlessness is power. One of the first sign of powerlessness is fear. Wow. Yeah. So let's back up a bit. One of the first things that the power of God will do in our lives is empower us. yes yes I want to take a moment and just say that again one of the first things the power of god the spirit of god will do when it comes upon us is that it will empower us romans chapter 8 paul said he says but you have not sorry sorry if the spirit of him that raised christ from the dead dwells in you that same spirit will quicken. Another version says will empower. Another version says will give life. So the spirit of God coming upon you, the first sign of it is empowerment. Yes. It removes every fear. And I want to list specifically five fears that God told me to list today that needs to be dealt with. We need to go back to the foundation and deal with these, these fears. Because the spirit of God is frustrated because we are operating in these fears and he wants to liberate us from these fears because he comes with goodness. He comes with power for us, but we are still operating in fear. The fear of being less than you should be. That's the same spirit of inferiority complex. The spirit that says you're not enough. The spirit that says no matter how much God does in you, you will never be enough. And there are three sources of it. I need to deal with them very quickly. The first source is what has happened to you in the past. You feel defiled. You feel violated. And therefore, your value are diminished. You feel like you are devalued. And so it becomes a tug of war to appreciate yourself. And stealthily, the devil begins to make you afraid of walking in boldness. That's why the Bible says in 1 Timothy, again, it says that we've received the spirit. No, no, no, not that. But We come boldly before God to the throne of grace. The lack of that boldness is coming from a spirit of intimidation where we feel we don't have the right to approach the throne of grace and ask for things. We cannot ask for things because we don't deserve it. We are defiled or we are not valued enough. That's one fear. How about the fear that I will mess it up? There are people who don't want to make money because they feel they will mess their lives up if they got too rich. See, I'm not about the not making money or making money. I'm not against any of it. I'm just against the fear. If it comes from fear, that's the wrong part of it. There are people who don't want to get into relationships or get married because they are afraid they will mess it up. hear me, somebody. There are people who are afraid of having children. Why? Because they are afraid they cannot bring up the children. I'm telling you, there's all kinds of fears in this area. There are people who are limited, restricted, and tied down by fear, and they have not been able to enter into the next phase of their lives because they are afraid and that is what the holy ghost was brooding over the face of the deep for he was brooding to remove fear he was brooding because he said I don't want the world to live any minute with fear because it negates the good things let me tell you something fear cannot enjoy any second of good things When God saw that he was good every day of creation, he was not looking at what the devil was about to do. Come on, hear me somebody. He was not looking at, God did not look at Genesis chapter three when he was talking in Genesis chapter one. If he did, he would never have said the good things. Listen, fear will make you never have a good life, will make you never enjoy anything. You cannot enjoy the beauty of creation if you're afraid. You cannot enjoy the beauty of God's things on your life. of God the gift of a husband the gift of a wife the gift of children the gift of wealth you cannot enjoy anything if you are living in fear my God created and when he finished creating in Genesis chapter 1 he looked and saw that it was good even though in chapter 3 he was about to curse them come on hear me somebody Oh, the comments are coming in. They're saying very true. Amen. Amen. I'm getting this. It's so true. Henry, you're, you're just preaching and saying the truth, you know, and that's the thing is I was dead. I was a walking zombie. I was dead until Christ set me free. It did not matter how much money I made. I was, I was an ER nurse. I was, you know, a published author. I was working at a publishing company, all these things. It didn't matter how much I climbed up the corporate ladder. i couldn't enjoy any of it it didn't matter that an amazing husband after a failed marriage it didn't matter that now I had everything I couldn't enjoy it but when the lord said to me you can either hold on to that little girl that everything is attached to the fear the guilt the shame the regret the self-loathing the ickiness Or you can finally surrender that little girl and give her to me. And I have a lot of little girls and boys on my ranch because that's the work I do. People give those little girls and surrender those little boys to me. And you can let God. So he goes, you can trust me. Know that I will be there with you. It's not in your strength of mind. I will hold your hand. I will be with you. But you've got to let it go. You cannot carry her where I'm taking you. There's no room for that where you're going. And everything, the anxiety, the depression, everything is attached to her. So you let that little girl go. You forgive her, you forgive yourself. You just forgive all those who hurt you and you let it go. You don't have to forgive, but you just forgive and let it go. But everything attached to that little girl, Let me have her because I died on the cross to take her because Jesus was a victim. He bore our infirmities. He knows what it was like. He was stripped naked, beaten. He was a victim. But he rose victorious after his death and by going to the cross. And he came so we could have life more abundantly. And every time we shy away and we live in that fear, we do not, we nail Christ back to the cross. We do because we become on the throne of our own lives instead of letting him. So let God be in charge of your life. Let that little girl go. Say no more and focus on healing. Walk in healing, walk in love, walk in forgiveness and walk in the abundance of life. and tether into him so tightly, tether into him so tightly, so tightly. Hold on to the hem of his garment. I talk to Jesus like I talk to you, Henry, like I talk to everybody. I mean, he's my friend. He took me out into the pasture with 10 horses, made me take a chair and sit in the middle of these huge horses so I could learn to trust him. Yeah, he's really done a lot of work on this ranch for getting me to trust him. And it's amazing. And now I have life more abundantly and I walk in no fear and I love it. And I'm truly living. Why do we need the gospel? Why do we need this truth? We need it here on earth. We don't need it in heaven. Heaven, there's none of this stuff. We need it now to overcome the darkness and live in the light and live life more abundantly. Amen. Amen. Amen. I wanted to speak to the second thing we need to do because those are the two important things. The first one is to identify your fears. Then the second one is to destroy your fears. You cannot destroy what you don't identify. And I'm using a harsh, hard term because don't push your fears away. That's not God's plan for you. Fears are like leeches. They find their way, crawl back into your life. Don't push your fears away. Don't lock up your fears in one room up in the attic, you know, because every time you hear some rumbling there, you remember your fear is still there. I mean, I'm giving you illustrations of how people treat fear. Some people try to push it away. Some people try to lock it up somewhere. But it's still hovering around. It's like I remember how God told me to deal with fear. I had a vision, one of the few times I've ever seen a snake in a vision. I don't see snakes in my visions. But one of the few times I've ever seen a snake in my vision. I had a vision and I had come up, come down from downstairs, I came down, the door was open and I had just seen the tail of a huge snake crawl into the living room in my house and crawl under a table. And I was afraid. I lived alone. And I was a little boy at that time. And I was afraid. I was like, oh, God, what do I do? What do I do? In my dream, in that dream, I was like, what do I do? What do I do, God? What do I do, God? I'm afraid of going to pull the chair and try and kill the snake. I don't know what to do. So I'm going to climb upstairs. So I climbed upstairs. And I slept from 3 p.m. And I woke up around 9 p.m. And I couldn't go downstairs at 9 p.m. because the kitchen is downstairs. That's what fear does. If you treat fear by pushing it away, running away as if it's not there, it's there. It's directing your life. You're free. You're alive. But you are restricted by the things you are afraid of. You can't use the kitchen downstairs. So you open the pantry that is upstairs or in the attic and you're chewing cereal. That's what you eat. So it affects everything you do. Why? Because you're afraid of coming down and killing a snake. Yes. That was how God told me. He said, Henry, fear, you will never deal with fear if you run away from it. It's always there. Oh, imagine fear is not, okay, I'm not afraid. Let me come downstairs. I'm going to cook in the kitchen. But you are conscious that you might open something and there is the snake. That's how some people live in fear. I don't know what door I'll open on when there's a snake waiting for me. Hello? Living with fear is as bad as running from fear. Hello? It's like, you know how you open every door? And that's even if you're alone. What about if there are little kids? What about if you have children that you should care for? What about if you have babies? Are you going to be with them 24-7? No. And so living with fear is worse than as bad as pushing your fears away. It's the same thing. I'm not even talking about making negotiations with our fears. A lot of us make negotiations with fear. You stay there, I stay here. That's negotiations with fear. The fact that you have negotiated and it has worked for a few years does not mean you have dealt with your fear. And I'm speaking to someone today because the fullness of God's liberation for you. And I thank God for every step of progress. Please don't let it look like I'm diminishing whatever progress you've made. No, I thank God for every step of progress you have made in your move to overcome fear. But God's will for you is for total freedom, is for the spirit of God to come upon you and not just remove fear, but put power. Hello, somebody. Because God wants you to not overcome your fear, but to destroy your fear. Hello? Not just overcome your fears, but to destroy your fears. I want to give you a moment. If you want to ask any questions, anybody, before I start ministering. I don't know. I can't see who is on. I'm not looking. But if there's any questions... Anybody wants to ask if you have anything to say? And then I want to pray for a few people before we round up today. Amy, if you have any questions or let's see who else is on. We're so grateful everybody's on. Let's see. We've got Mudasir. We've got Jerry. Any of you guys want to ask any questions of Pastor Henry or anyone that's not chimed in yet? This is, you know, a safe space if you want to ask the question. And I won't. I don't need to, you know. You ask anything that you feel comfortable with. And if you need prayers, let's see. We have someone that's saying they need prayers for fear of rejection or loss of control. Thank you so much for sharing. Thank you so much for trusting us and for sharing. Because it's like a man with a withered hand. When you reach out for healing, God gets to come in and inhabit that area of weakness in your life and set you free from it. And that is powerful. When you finally reach out for help, reach out, then he can, then he can. So again, Pastor Henry, he's saying prayers for fear of rejection or loss of control. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Amen. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Thank you. Amen. Hallelujah. You know, we're going to probably have another session where because fear, you overcome fear by some practical steps. You know, there's an amount of prayer that is necessary, but there are some practical steps that are very, very important. You need to be filled with the knowledge. That's why of the three things, sound mind, A lot of us need to understand what it is to have a sound mind. And when you research, you know, God has not given you the spirit of fear, but the spirit of power, love, and sound mind. PLS. Don't forget that. Power, love, and sound mind. And sound mind comes from Romans chapter 12 from verse 1 and 2. When you're no longer conformed to this world, but transformed by the renewing of your mind, and the renewing of the mind happens by the word of God. And one of the methods of the word of God is for you to be practically thought how to overcome certain things. See, it's easy to say, turn your eyes on Jesus, but the difficult part of it is the scriptural precepts that can help you turn your eyes on Jesus. That's the difficult part of it. We can sing it in songs. We can say it all the time, but When we do it the way the word of God prescribes it, the change happens here, not here or here. The change happens here. Our hearts become feathered to Jesus Christ himself. And as I'm speaking, I'm seeing lots of people who are going to be listening to this. And tonight, as you get on your knees to pray when you get home or when you're retiring for the night or for the day, you will be praying and God will be removing fear. And one sign, one sign that God is beginning to deal with fear in your life is that you will arise. Come on, hear me, somebody. You will arise. There will be a waking up in you. I'm not talking about, even though just physically, I'm talking about a spiritual and a psychological, a mental arising. You will wake up. When fear puts you down, Power wakes you up. That's why the Bible says if the spirit that raised Christ from the dead wasn't you, that same spirit will wake you up, will lift you up. That's why David said in Psalm 27, you have lifted my head above my enemies. Hallelujah. There is a rising up that occurs as one of the first signs that you are beginning to overcome fear. You're beginning to rise. You wake up. Fear makes you, you know, subdues you power redeems you and elevates you and and and uplifts you listen that's a step it redeems you if you're not redeemed if you poke up your head any small thing will push you back down but if you are redeemed if the spirit of fear is removed from you you will be redeemed and you can wake up and you're no longer operating in fear I see some people that will be watching this, that God is taking you through a process of redemption, and redemption is the process by which your value is restored, by which that which makes you think you lost your value is removed from you, the process by which that which keeps speaking to you. Redemption is God going back to the garden and undoing what the devil, what the serpent said to Eve that made her see the fruit that God said, don't eat as good. The things that change you needs to be undone and God will undo it when you are being redeemed. So I speak redemption into your life right now. I speak the redemption of God. I speak the season of redemption over you, whoever you are, that God will begin to restore that which was lost, that God will begin to restore that which has been destroyed in your life, that whatever lie the devil has told you, hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. When you get redeemed, you stop believing lies because whatever chance, whatever enchantment the devil is trying to grab you with, you don't see it anymore. You don't see it anymore. When the world tells you that you don't have what it takes and God redeems you, you begin to see yourself as having what it takes. When the world says you can't amount to anything, you begin to see and you know that beyond every shadow of a doubt, Even if you walk through the valley of the shadow of death, hello, you will fear no evil. Even if a horse encamp against you, your heart will be strong. Even if you live in a city where everybody is a man and you're looking for a woman to marry, you will find a woman. even if you live in a city where everybody else is a woman and you're looking for a man to marry you can trust god to get married because you are no longer looking at the circumstances of your life you have been redeemed to trust god like the spirit of god that hovered over the face of the deep there is nothing that you can create with but When you lose every fear, you know that God can make something out of nothing. Come on, somebody. That God can make good things out of chaos. That God can make everything. That God, listen, God is about to restore everything. cruise control into your life where you can rest and leave control in god's hands and say god I give it over to you I give it all to you I don't have to be in control I don't have to be in control of the time I don't have to be in control of the product I don't have to be in control of every direction I can just trust you I can close my eyes and say when I wake up wherever I am it is good it is well with my soul I have faith in you not faith in what I see not faith in my control come on somebody are you hearing what god is saying to you today god is redeeming you god is redeeming you hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah Thank you. You're being set free from years of fear. Years of intimidation. Years of loss of value. You're being set free from all of that. You're being set free from all of that today. In the name of Jesus Christ, Lord. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Restoration and redemption. Complete healing. A great healing in the name of Jesus. No longer bound by a spirit of fear. No longer bound by a spirit of fear. We rebuke it and cast it into the pit of hell. Fear is not your portion. You have been delivered in the name of Jesus. Delivered from those spirits of infirmary. Walk free in wholeness. Chronic fatigue be gone in the name of Jesus. You've been healed in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Lord. In the name of Jesus. Thank you, Lord Jesus. Whoever has knee pain, let it be healed in the name of Jesus. No more in the name of Jesus. Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. And right now, I want to speak to someone who's been having some chaos at home. I don't know what it is, but I see chaos at home. I want to speak into your life right now. In the name of Jesus, let there be peace. Let there be peace. Let there be peace. Let there be peace. I want to speak to someone who you argued with somebody a few days ago and it has brought you restlessness. I want to speak into your life right now because all of a sudden you're becoming very easily irritated. It's like you're becoming afraid. You're operating in a spirit of fear. At some point, you even feel like avoiding this person completely. But this person is going to be in front of you a lot. I don't know who it is, but you're going to be watching this. And I just want you to know that the spirit of the Lord is setting you free from the spirit of fear in the name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. There's someone here that has a unique phobia. I don't know what the phobia is. It's a unique phobia. Very few people on the face of this earth have that phobia. I hear the spirit of the Lord saying, I'm setting you free from it right now. I think it's a sound phobia. There's a sound that I don't know what it is. I'm just speaking as the spirit of the Lord gives me instruction. There's a sound phobia, something like a sound. that a kind of sound makes your heart palpitate, your blood pressure rising, and you begin to sweat. I rebuke that spirit of fear in the name of Jesus Christ, in the name of Jesus Christ. There's someone here that you've been dreaming of snakes a lot. You've been dreaming of snakes crawling all over you, crawling all over a tree in front of your house. And usually when you wake up from those dreams, you feel drained. I'm speaking right now and you live in fear. I rebuke that spirit of fear right now in the name of Jesus. The Bible says him that the son has set free is free indeed. It's free indeed. There's someone that will be watching this. If you're watching or somebody going to watch it, in the next few hours, Samuel, I'm hearing the name Samuel. I'm hearing the name Samuel. There is a fear of darkness, a fear of the night, a fear of a dark season that you are afraid of. And it's like you've been in a dark season for too long and you're becoming afraid. I hear the Lord say that the son of righteousness is rising over you very soon. a drop a note drop a comment uh when you hear this somewhere when you hear this and and and you get a confirmation just drop a comment and say that was me and the spirit of fear is being rebuked from your life in the name of jesus christ hallelujah there's someone here um I'm hearing a fear of cobwebs and spiders. It literally makes you walk on tippy toes in certain parts of if you go somewhere and you see cobwebs and spiders. It makes you afraid when you go to places. It makes you afraid of walking even under trees or certain things like that. It's affecting you a lot. I rebuke that fear in the name of Jesus Christ. I rebuke it in Jesus' name. I rebuke it in the name of Jesus. Hallelujah. Amen. There's someone, you have a child who is afraid of the dark. They have to sleep with the lights on. It's a girl. I think she's between the ages of, I can't guess ages these days. I'm just going to wait on the Lord to give me age, but I'm seeing the picture of a girl. She's looking like between the age of seven to 11. That's how young she is, but she's afraid of the dark. I rebuke that spirit of fear. I rebuke it and every ungodly dream that has followed that spirit. I rebuke it right now in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Father. Oh, you are free in Jesus' name. You are free. You are free in the name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Amen. Hallelujah. Amen. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord. Amen. Remember, there's hotline support information listed on our website at reflective spaces ministry dot com. There's no shame in getting help. There's no shame in reaching out to trauma therapists. The suicide hotline numbers on their domestic violence shelters. If you're afraid or in fear of your life, there's hotlines trafficking. You know, there's so don't be afraid of leaving that situation and getting help. Don't be afraid in going and seeking out a domestic violence shelter or even the police if you need to get out of that situation. Don't be afraid to seek out help. And there's hotline support waiting, waiting to help you, waiting to step into your life. Even if you go into a church, I know that safety can be an issue, especially if you're being watched by a. You know, an individual. So you obviously want to be cognizant of that. But you can go into a house of worship and let them know you need help. You can go into a hospital, into an emergency room and let them know that you fear for your life, that someone's trying to hurt you. All those things are avenues and ways to get to get help. And, you know, even if you need to give a urine sample, then when you get the nurse alone, you can say, hey, listen, I need to speak to you. I need you to help me. You know, just, you know, always want to be cognizant of safety, safety, safety, safety, safety, safety, safety, safety. There's help if you need to receive it, if you want to receive it and leave those situations. I know it's difficult, especially if you have children. There's amazing organizations out there that take in children as well. As someone that I saw, you feel that people are watching you, both physically and spiritually. Every time, wherever you are, you feel that there are people watching you. Sometimes you feel that people plant things in your house. Sometimes you feel like even your phone, people are bugging your phone. Sometimes you are afraid of people turning on secret cameras and watching you, even in your privacy. And you've been tormented by this spirit of fear for a very long time. I literally see you. I see you. I see you. There's a woman I'm seeing. There's a woman I'm seeing. I'm seeing a lot of details about you. But I'm seeing somebody else as well. I'm seeing even a man. You're in your mid-40s. you're afraid because you think people are watching you or you think people are watching you think so you think there are you think there are spirits and human beings that are watching you keeping an eye on you and it has brought you to a place of fear someone else I'm seeing you've been dreaming in the past year more than five times you dreamt you fell off something you fell off a mountain or you've dreamt you've fallen off a mountain backwards you fell off a ledge backwards and and and you just see yourself falling backwards and and I don't know if you've ever seen yourself land and and crash but But it has begun to rule you in fear. It has begun to intimidate you. The spirit of fear has begun to intimidate you. And I'm rebuking that fear right now. God is setting you free. God is setting you free. I will not call your case unless God has told me you're getting free. So if God calls us, because he reveals to redeem. He doesn't reveal to shame. He reveals to redeem. So get ready. You are being redeemed from that spirit of fear right now, right now, right now. I speak boldness. I speak liberty into your life. in the name of jesus christ in the name I lift up standards around about you that nobody will see you anymore I rebuke that fear in jesus name hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord amen amen amen amen amen amen amen amen There's someone here. There's a woman. Sometimes you feel something crawling in your stomach. And you've been afraid that it's a demonic thing. Oh, my God. You've been afraid. I see your name. I'm not seeing it clearly, but there's an L. I'm seeing an L in your name. Black hair, I can see you clearly. I can see you, but I can't see your name. Black hair. There are certain times that you feel something crawling in your stomach and then sometimes on your hand, your right hand, you feel something crawling. The spirit of God is redeeming you from fear right now. And I don't know, you probably were engaged in something in the past. And so now you are feeling that certain covenants that you had or certain things you got yourself involved in haven't been dealt with. And you've been seeking deliverance, but you're tired of seeking deliverance. So I need you to comment or send a private message, not to me, but send it to her, Tammy, and she will get to me. I don't want to encourage people reaching out to me directly, but you've been afraid and you've been looking for deliverance for a long time. Even someone has prayed for you in the past year. Someone prayed for you and it kind of stopped, but then started again. I see you clearly, dark hair. You are about five foot six or seven. I can see you. And there's like an L in your name. I'm talking about a specific person, but maybe there's someone else that is in that kind of a situation. Please know that the spirit of the Lord wants to set you free right now. I rebuke that spirit. I rebuke that spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Amen. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord. And I did share our email address so you can reach me and you can just put a question for Pastor Henry and I'll make sure that I forward them to Pastor Henry and that he gets those. And I don't want to take up too much of his time, but I don't want to stop the prophetic flow. So, Henry, you when you got to go to your appointment or when you're ready, you because you and I could prophesy all day. Oh, absolutely. The Lord wants us to. We do what he wants. But I know that you need to sign off. And I just think I can bring it up on the screen while we're both on. I just want to bring up to the stage. This is your book. One of your books triggers walking in emotional healing and overcoming subtle anger. And I put in the notes of this, how to order that book. Do you have any links or anything, Pastor Henry, that you want to just maybe tell them and they can get any information? There are two places you can get any of my books. You can go to and search for my name, Henry Waneri. If you spell out my name, you'll see I pop up on Amazon. Or you can go to, I don't have all my books on my website because in that case, I have to order a consignment, put it in a storage and then ship it from myself. So I only do that for a few books, but Amazon has all my books. And then my website has the ones I have consignments of. So there's about 12, 13 of them on my website, but the rest of them are on Amazon. But those are the two places you can get my books. Oh, wow. That's awesome. And that looks like such a great book. And, you know, Pastor Henry, we're going to have to have you back on the show because there's so much engagement. There's so much need. And I'm sure I'm going to be coming back on your show. And we're just going to continue these healing sessions and healing rooms. And it's time to set people free. It's time to break every chain. It's time for us to walk into the fullness of life that God has for us and us to be victorious and be empowered women and men today. walking in our ordained authority and helping to set the others free, helping to set the others free. Because even if the 99 are safe, he goes after the one. And today, some of you have been the one. We thank you for answering the call and for God laid us on this heart for coming and for ministering to each of you. And we just thank you, Lord Jesus, for the work you're doing. Thank you, Pastor Henry, for all the work that you're doing in Canada and the United States and around the world. We just thank you. God bless you. God keep you. Thank you so much for being on Reflective Hour with Tammy. God bless you, Henry. Take care. Thank you. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Well, I want to thank everybody that has been listening in. That was powerful with Pastor Henry. He is a mighty man of God. I will put this recording up and out on our YouTube channel, on the podcast format, which you can just get through Apple Podcasts and all the other podcasts. Make sure you like and share. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, everywhere you can, LinkedIn. Help us to spread the message of hope and healing. um and and I also the lord had me put out uh his book uh my memoir um but don't be afraid to read it it's on amazon and it's when you know that you know that you know there is a god now there is a work book one um same exact stuff but I have pages in after every chapter for you to journal there's scriptures you can look at for healing scriptures that deal with fear And it is my healing journey, his journey in me and through me, showing you his love, showing you his redemption. Again, it is at Amazon. It is on Kindle. When you know that you know that you know there is a God. And just feel free to get that. Don't forget, I'll put it up on the screen one more time. Henry's book, Triggers, Walking in Emotional Healing and Overcoming Subtle Anger. And again, that was Pastor Henry Wanary. And thank you guys so much for joining us today on Reflective Hour with Tammy Tony Butler. Also, we have at Reflective Spaces Ministry. I've started a YouTube channel. I've started a podcast. And there are teachings, biblical teachings in PowerPoint form. There's some called the Trauma Responsive Pulpit Series. I've got five of them up there now. God's been churning them out. And they are us, I should say me and the Holy Spirit. And who knows else who's going to join in, but ministering to you and giving you teachings, but giving it to you the way I was able to digest it, the way I was able to heal, the way I was able to get it into my heart to penetrate the armor that I put up. So don't hesitate to go to our website. Look at those. Start looking at that trauma, a responsive pulpit series and get set free in the name of Jesus. For he who is set free is free indeed. And I'm living proof of walking in that. So let's journey together along that pathway of wholeness and healing. Tune in. Follow us. Go to our website. Sign up for our newsletters. Let's all heal together in the name of Jesus. Thank you all so much for tuning in. God bless you and keep you. In the name of Jesus, we sign off now. Amen. What a powerful episode of Reflective Hour. To God be the glory. Amen. Amen. Amen.