Reflective Hour with Tammy Toney-Butler

He Lives

Tammy Toney-Butler Season 2 Episode 23

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Trigger Warning: Content may cause unease in the spirit or evoke intense emotions. 

Host Tammy Toney-Butler provides us with powerful teachings and prophetic words. 

Join in and follow along with this episode as Tammy delivers His Truth by way of the Holy Spirit, a Rhema, right now Word for His people. 

A purified bride (church) must rise in this hour and guide a lost generation to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. A living, breathing church that is non-compromising, loving, and following the steps laid out for all believers to follow throughout the scriptures and spoken Word of God. 

Tammy, by way of the Holy Spirit, eases the listener/viewer into a transformative experience with the Lord Jesus.

Tammy is a lived experience expert whose unique teaching style and trauma-focused lens perspective offer the learner an environment conducive to healing mind, body, and spirit.

Tammy is outspoken in her mission to provide a trauma-responsive pulpit and compassionate, merciful lens through which one offers pastoral support. 

Join Tammy on the Reflective Hour Podcast and YouTube channel for healing support.

You can purchase her book on Amazon Kindle, "When you know, that you know, that you know there is a God."

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Hello, welcome to today's episode of Reflective Hour with Tammy Toney-Butler. I'm your host, but we all know who the real host of this show is, and that's Christ. Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, come have your way in this time that we have together. to deliver God's truth to his people. It's all about you, Jesus. It's not about me. It's about me delivering your truth to your sheep as you give it to me. May they see you and not me. In the mighty name of Jesus, amen. Today, I come to you raw and real. Father had me go live. Holy Spirit, Lord Jesus. And he is literally just going to prompt me and speak through me. And I'm going to deliver you his truth in a way that he's never even quite shown me before. But In our weakness, He's made strong, right? And so, I am a surrendered, yielded vessel that He can use to carry out His will on earth as it is in heaven. May you see Him and not me. Today, He had some words that He wanted me to give to you. He prepared them in advance for me, very few words, and then they will lead into a teaching, His teaching, about the love of Christ, about the love that endures, the love that heals, the love that delivers, the love that transforms. the love that resurrects, a new birth, a spiritual rebirth. That's what I prophesy over you today. As you watch this, listen to this, and spread this around to all of your followers, to all of your friends, so His truth can spread like wildfire across the grove and into the hearts of his people. He put on me today this word to give to you. So this is his message to you, and then it's going to lead to something else. What I guess you and I are going to figure out as we go through this episode, because that's what he does. You're unique. Why try to change? You are unique. Why try to change? Let me say that one more time. You are unique. Why try to change? Did I not form you in the womb? Did I not speak the world into existence? Do I make mistakes? Are you a mistake? If you're a mistake, then you're saying, I am not a perfect God. Am I a perfect God? How do you know I am? What is your past experience with me? Let me show you how much I love you. how much I long to be near you. You're my beautiful creation, unique, special. And with a kingdom purpose, I need you to fulfill. Will you agree with me that you are special? Can we at least get that right? That part right? Okay, let me teach you something powerful. Who is the Holy Spirit? Why do you need the Holy Spirit? He lives. He lives. He lives. That is all that he gave me to prepare. So now I'm just going to listen and speak to you the way he wants me to speak to you. You are my flock. I long to be near you. I long to see you. I long to see you seek me out with your whole heart, with your whole being. I know the trials you face. I know the circumstances. I know the seasons of life. I'm in there with you, remember? did I not go to the cross for you? Did I not die for you? My father sent me and I obeyed because of my love for you. You are my sheep. My love for you endures even past the cross. I rose again and ascended to sit at the right side of my Father in heaven. And I use my Holy Spirit who dwells in my heart to speak to you. You must be willing to listen. Don't grieve the Holy Spirit. I sent him to be your helper, your advocate. He is me. We are one. And we are one with the Father. We are one with the Father. We are one with the Father. When you know me, you know my Father. When you know the Holy Spirit, you know me. You are my bride. And I'm coming for you. I'm coming for you. But I want you to know, until I arrive, you have a helper. It's the Holy Spirit. My love for you was so great, I gave my life. I bore every sickness, sin, disease, affliction, wound on the cross so you wouldn't have to. Sickness is not your portion. Cancer is not your portion. Depression is not your portion. You will find joy with me. I am your Savior. That's what he's saying to you. Lord Jesus is saying that to you today. He loves you with his whole heart. He loves us. Oh, he loves us. He longs to be with us. He's coming for us. But until that time, we have the Holy Spirit. Look at it like a go-between. God, you got Jesus, and you got the Holy Spirit that makes intercession for us, dwells in the heart of Jesus. So we can know the heart and mind of Christ and be transformed to new creatures. Little Jesus is walking around on earth to fulfill his purpose. We don't have to wonder what he would do if he was here. He is here. He lives in us, his followers, his believers. We are his church. his temple, our bodies, our little Jesus is running around. As long as we follow him, conform to his ways, don't grieve his Holy Spirit. Instead, seek his Holy Spirit for wisdom, understanding, and truth so that you know the heart of Jesus because he's in the heart of Jesus and he connects us to Jesus. That connects us to God. We're connected. A river of living water. Flowing. From the throne of God. In and through us. By way of the conduit. The Holy Spirit. Into our hearts. As long as we are ready to receive his love. Have a pure heart. not corrupted by sin. We shed our old selves. We ask Christ to live inside of us, to be Lord and Savior of our life. We surrender our will for His, recognizing fully God, that He's fully man, that He came to the earth, obeying Father to save us all. That's love. That's His love for you Many try to destroy that love. They want you to see the world as your Savior. Man as your Savior. I'm not of the world. You're not of the world. You're of me. I'm your Savior. I'll save you from disease, famine, poverty, the storms of life. Addiction, depression, suicidality. You just have to seek me, the bearer of truth and life and love. You're never too dirty to come to me. You're never too dirty to come to me. You're never too dirty to come to me. I see you. I meet you where you are. My heart aches for you. All that you've endured. I'm sorry that those things happened to you. Should have never happened to you as a child, as an adult, as a follower of Christ. You live in an evil fallen world where the God of this world with a little G is in charge, but not for long. You have authority over him. If you exercise that authority, with believing in me, trusting in me, rebuking Satan and his lies, you have the power. You have the keys to the kingdom. I sit with my Father in heavenly places, and I gave you keys to the kingdom to use while on earth. call things that aren't as though they are. To call things that aren't as though they are. To call things that aren't as though they are. To call forth peace, unity, love, joy, health, and well-being. Love your neighbor as I've loved you. So that my love can flow like living water through the throne, grace and mercy that you are connected to. Through my death, I gave you life. Through my death, I gave you life. Through my death, I gave you life. That's the message that I have for you today. that you are my beloved creation. Don't walk in shame or guilt, fear, regret, self-loathing. None of those things are your portion. What happened to you was not your fault. I was there. You couldn't see me, but I was there, suffering through it with you, getting you through it. That's why you didn't take your life. That's why you were able to endure day after day after day in that pit of hell that you found yourself in, that basement of despair, the inequity that was piled upon you, false accusations, lies, deception woven In a fabric knit by Satan. A garment that's not yours to wear. You're to put on the robe of righteousness. Because you are clothed in me. Christ Jesus. I am your deliverer. I am your healer. I am your everything. Seek my Holy Spirit. Because when you seek him, you seek me because we are one. It is in him that you find the way to truth. The heart posture to endure the lies of this world is you will know the truth. You will branch forth into trees of truth. reaping a great harvest for the kingdom. A great harvest for the kingdom. A harvest of souls. Breaking every chain, every lie. Unrooting yourself, uprooting yourself from the things of the past. Moving towards the glorious, joyful future. In Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior. He longs for you. He's coming for you. Is your lamp full? Is it full of oil? Are you ready? Are you waiting? Are you anticipating his return? That's the word that he has for you today. That's the word that he has for you today. May you glow with his presence. As you spend time in that secret place, seeking his truth, his guiding light of truth, the freedom that he brings. You are not of this world. You are unique. a chosen vessel, a royal priesthood, a faithful remnant. And you'll remain that way, purified, until I return in all my glory in the clouds. I'm coming for you. Be patient. Endure. Love others as I've loved you. Strive to have my heart and my mind. Long for it. Search it out. In my word of truth. My words of truth that I have for you. Search the scriptures for my truth. For I will speak to you through them. Reveal them. give you understanding and wisdom as to how to navigate the dark days ahead. Search my revealing truth. Search my revealing truth. Search my revealing truth. That is the message that he has for you today. That is the message that he has for you today. Follow our teachings. He will speak to you through them. Start with episode one, season one of Reflective Hour. Watch them all. Watch Reflective Spaces ministry podcast and YouTube channel. Watch the YouTube videos. Like and subscribe. There's a trauma-responsive pulpit series that will prove useful as you minister up to others through the lens of trauma that you've endured. You're my army that I'm sending out to set my children free. Shepherd my flock. Feed them. clothe them, love them as I've loved you. That's the message that Lord Jesus wanted me to send to you today. As we reflect in this episode, reflective hour, on his goodness, his mercy, his love that endures, recognizing that he lives. His church is living, breathing, Speaking life into existence. It's not a building. It's not a building. It's the people. We the people that he loves. That he protects, shelters. Psalm ninety one. He will protect his flock. From adversities and trials. You merely have to believe and trust in him, in Lord Jesus. He will see you through. Thank you for tuning into this episode. For today, it was all about him, his word, his truth. Holy Spirit, heal them, fill them up, Lord Jesus, with your presence. Help them to reflect on your goodness. and be mirror images of your love and goodness and mercy and humility in the world. Let people see them and they know that they've encountered Jesus. Go with them to stay. Protect them, guide them, and strengthen them along paths of righteousness for your name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I'll fear no evil. For you are with me. And your rod and your staff comfort me. You prepare us to table. Forming the presence of my enemies. Anoint us my head with oil. My cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life. And I'll dwell in the house of the Lord forever and ever. Amen. That took faith for me to speak that last bit out knowing he's speaking to me. Psalm twenty-three is often a scripture that I would read as I was hiding in the bathroom, trying to draw strength from his wellspring of living water from the Word of God, reading my Bible as a small girl who was being horribly victimized, tortured, made to be a sex slave, Or a manipulator. A controller. I would pray to God to save me. Read Psalm twenty three. Imagine myself. Beside green. Still waters. And green pastures. Taking myself. To someplace else. Losing myself in books. And in the Bible. And in him. But. I'd hear the voice of the oppressor, of the rapist, child rapist coming from the door. And I would have to unlock the door and go out and do horrible things. But what I carried with me in my heart was the word of truth and his love. And that's how I endured the ugly. That's how I endured the ugly. Often I would disassociate or leave my body. I think it was self-preservation. And I would look down at that little girl in the bed that those things were happening to. I'd pray to God to save me. But he didn't deliver me out of that because he couldn't. My mother had a choice. She had free will. And she ignored the Holy Spirit and grieved him when he warned her to leave that evil man. But she didn't because she too was molded and shaped in a womb of trauma and parented in survival mode, as many do. She coped in the only way she knew how. I forgave her. There's no bitterness. She's gone on to be with the Lord now. And yes, she reconciled with him. She's finally at peace. And his loving embrace. And she said to me. Tell my story. Tell my truth. So that other families do not have to endure. What we went through. Break it off. Break the chains. Break the lies. Break the trauma. So that they can be set free. True versions of themselves. She never got to live. She was spiritually dead, physically alive, but walking around dead inside, as many of us were before Christ came into our lives and redeemed us and set us free. I was dead before he took it from me. The shame, the guilt, the fear, the regret, the self-loathing. That little girl, that all that happened to, he took her. She's playing on the grounds of Ave Maria University somewhere. That's where he did it for me. I don't know why, but that was my safe place at that time, I believe. I'd often travel to it to sit quietly. Many little girls and little boys are on my ranch, figuratively, not literally. Many who seek out our healing ministry, they seek out Jesus. They leave their little girls and little boys on our land. Because you can't take that little girl and little boy and all that shame and guilt and fear and regret and self-loathing and addictions that are attached to him or her. You got to let that go. It's not your cross to bear. He died so you could live. You have a choice. You can submit and surrender to the will of God. A father that will never leave you nor forsake you. A love that will never end. Or you can choose the world that will fail you. Men can fail you. People fail you. Will you choose life? Will you choose Jesus so that you can have life more abundantly and truly live, not just exist? That's what he's saying to you today. You have a choice. It's up to you. You choose healing. You choose God. You choose Lord Jesus and you surrender all that to her, to him. You surrender that little boy, that little girl to Lord Jesus. And you say, no more. I want you to be Lord and Savior for my life. I want you to dwell in my heart forever and send your Holy Spirit to be my guide of truth. Fill me fresh and new. I repent of all my sins. I turn away from the path and I turn towards you, Lord Jesus. Because in you, I find life, abundant life. In you, I find abundant life. In you, I find abundant life. That's what he's saying to you today. Let me have that little girl. Let me have that little boy. I want to bring them to my ranch. They can be out there with the cows and the pastures, the green pastures, the still waters. They can sit on the overlook. They can fish, kayak. They can sit quietly, gazing. They can be in that field of daisies with butterflies all around. I'll watch over them and keep them. You can trust me. That's what he's saying to you today. Let go and let God. And that's today's episode, his episode of Reflective Hour. You're Tammy Toney-Butler. God bless you and keep you. God bless you and keep you. God bless you and keep you.