Reflective Hour with Tammy Toney-Butler

A Day of Hope

Tammy Toney-Butler Season 3 Episode 4

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Many of you are feeling a weight this Valentine's Day—loss, fear, oppression, shame, or guilt. 

You may fear what's to come. Will I be deported? Will my family be ripped apart? Will I suffer the loss of yet another loved one? Will I ever get married? Will I find lasting love? Will I grow this season into all God's called me to be? 

Can I find peace today despite my circumstances? Can I see a way out of my dark hole, pit of despair, loneliness, and hopelessness?

Can I thrive even though I feel alone? Can I thrive even though I face discrimination and persecution at the hands or from the words of others? 

Even though darkness has visited our door, city, nation, or world, can I see the Light of Truth, which clearly shows me the way to a love like no other?

A love bringing hope, joy, peace, and restoration. A love that casts out all fear has no agenda or motive, and it only comes to give abundant life, build up, not destroy.

That is the work of our precious Lord Jesus. His greatest love story is His work on the Cross for wretched sinners like us. He died so we could have a life free of the judgment of the law, a life filled with strength to get through anything satan throws at us. 

Satan is under our feet and has no power in our lives. We get to have abundant life, peace, and protection under the promises of God, as evidenced by the work on the Cross. 

Abba Father sent His precious son, Lord Jesus, to die so we could live free of condemnation from sin. We have the Holy Spirit (Spirit of God, Spirit of Jesus) to guide us into all Truth. 

Will you believe it? Will you choose joy today? Love? Peace? Will you focus on the Light and not the dark? Will you praise and glorify God today and see the abundance instead of the lack? 

Focus on the Cross. Focus on Jesus. Focus on the life-giving blood of Jesus shed on Calvary. 

Today, let's dine at Jesus"s table. Celebrate Jesus. Let's commune together at His table. Share in His love and break bread together. 

Let us be cleansed and purified and emerge empowered as warriors, victorious over sin and death, as Jesus's work on the Cross shows us the way. 

Believe, surrender, obey, and be transformed. Today is a great day. Let's rejoice. 

Change your perspective; speak words of life, not death. Emerge as bearers of the Light. A Light on a hill can not be hidden as you set your foundation on the Rock of Truth. 

May you receive countless blessings this day as you show others the Light and love of Christ. Today is a great day. Rejoice. I say rejoice. 

[Grab your communion elements for this episode]. 

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Good morning. Welcome to Reflective Hour with Tammy Toney-Butler. I'm your host, but we all know who the host of this show is, and that's Christ. Oh, Holy Spirit come, Holy Spirit come. Guide me into all truth. May they see you, Lord Jesus, and not me. May the Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit guide us today. As I set out to reassure your people, your children, your sheep, your flock, we are facing uncertain times as a nation, as a world. We can only let the truth guide us, the truth of the gospel, the truth of Christ. His death on the cross is the greatest love story ever written. It is how we have victory over the darkness and are transformed by His marvelous light. We are victorious in Christ Jesus. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. We get to have what we say as believers. We can change the trajectory of our lives. Do we trust in God or the world? Do we let the world define us? Fear, doubt, hopelessness, despair? Or do we let the Lord Jesus define us in his work on the cross? For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but shall have everlasting life. Christ brings us eternal life. He gives us peace and joy, no matter our circumstances. No matter what world leaders are doing or people in high levels of government, God alone directs our steps. God alone charts our course by way of his Holy Spirit. There's no fear in perfect love. There's perfect peace when you fix your eyes on the cross. the blood shed at Calvary so that we all could live an abundant life free of tyranny, racism, hate, oppression, doubt, fear, loneliness, despair, shame, and guilt. We are more than conquerors in Christ Jesus. More than conquerors. This Valentine's Day, let it be different. Let it be full of hope, love, peace, joy. Don't have fear. Don't fear. Choose faith. Faith wins. over fear. Faith drives out doubt and unbelief. Faith leads to trust, ultimate surrender and obedience to God and God's call on your life. You are not to cater to a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. You're to walk in the ways that Jesus did, Jesus loved his brother, his neighbor. Jesus came for sinners, not those that believe the righteous. He came to set the sinners free. He often dined with sinners, communed with them, because he wanted to show them the light, the light of truth, the light that transforms, that heals, that bridges every barrier, every gap, that penetrates bone and marrow, that heals, restores, redeems. This love is not love that keeps you bound to shame, guilt, fear, regret. Nor does this love instill unhealthy fear. Sure, there's a fear of the Lord. Wanting to do his will above all else. Fearing missing it, that you'll let him down. We're humans. We sin, we make mistakes. We are asked for forgiveness, repent, which means turn away from the ways of the world. And turn towards Jesus. Turn towards the path of light. The narrow path. The narrow path. The ordained path. For the steps of the righteous are ordered by the Lord. Are your steps ordered by the Lord? Or maybe are they ordered by someone or something that's coming trying to steal, heal, and destroy and distract. Are you going to listen to the world, to social media, to the news? Are you going to follow what the Holy Spirit says that guides us into all truth, that lifts us up out of our pits of despair, out of our loneliness, and places us in heavenly places, seated with Christ Jesus, who sits to the right of the Father, fully God, and once was fully man. He died so we could live. There's no greater love story on Valentine's Day than the love that Lord Jesus had for his sheep, his flock, us, his children, his believers. He loved us despite our faults, despite our sin, the things that we had done, our wounds. He loved us and he loves us now. He loves us now. The cross brings freedom, not oppression. It brings faith, not fear. Fear is not of God when it is instilled by dictators. By those who seek to only control and keep us in bondage. But he who is set free is free indeed. We will not be bound. We will not cater to lies. We will not cater to darkness. Because the light invades it and the light wins. We will have peace and joy and love. Freedom. Inclusion. Love for our brother, our neighbor, despite what the world says. I don't see color. I don't see sin. When I look at an individual, I look to the person, to the heart, through the lens of faith. I look to Jesus. I look to Jesus. I look through the eyes of Jesus when I glance at another. Am I judging them? Am I condemning them? Based on their lifestyle, who am I to cast a stone? Who am I? I was a mere sinner. That Christ set free. He redeemed me from the pit. He washed me clean by his blood. And he loves me. And he loves you. Love transforms. Love heals. And love drives out hate. Love drives out hate. Will you love your brother as yourself? Your neighbor as yourself? this Valentine's Day, will you look to the love of the cross of Christ Jesus, Lord Jesus, and Abba Father? Will you rekindle that relationship with Jesus? Will you let that love permeate you to the very core, changing your heart, unveiling the truth, looking through a love-centered lens, transforming the world, painting the world we want to see one layer at a time, one day at a time. That's what God wants. He wants you to know you're wrapped in love, a love embrace. His love overshadows you and takes you, brings you into all truth, heals every raw opened wound, covered by the salve of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, covers a multitude of sins. Let Jesus into your heart. Surrender it all to him. Ask him for forgiveness, knowing he's given it to you already by his work on the cross. We just need to look to him. Look to the cross for the truth. Come to him with a repentant heart. Ask him to be Lord and Savior of our lives and for the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of you, making you a new creature. Today is a great day. Rejoice and be glad. Today is a great day. Rejoice and be glad. That is what Lord Jesus has for you today, this Valentine's Day. It's a message, strength, power, victory. in the face of darkness, even though danger looms on every side, we are protected by the blood of Jesus, the wings, the wings, the wings, sheltered under the wings of the Most High, covered by the blood of Jesus, protected in a safe haven, that offers hope and peace and joy in the midst of turmoil. In the midst of turmoil and darkness, we get to be the light. We are the light. We are the light. Bask in his peace. Bask in his love. Bask in everything that he has for you this day. Look to the cross. Look to hope. Speak words of faith, words of love and truth. Look through a love-centered lens. That's what the gospel brings. Love, peace, hope, healing. And it's for all. No one, I repeat, no one is excluded from the love of Jesus. No one. No one. No one. No one is excluded from the love of Jesus. No one. The love heals, it transforms, it redeems. We have free will. We have to choose. Do we choose to follow the light and love that Lord Jesus offers in the cross? Or do we partner? Do we choose to partner with evil, with men of hate, women of hate, those that may have lost their way? Do we pray for those who persecute us? Do we? We have to show love. Love drives out hate. We can't resemble the world. We can't retaliate with hate or anger or bitterness or unforgiveness. In everything we do, we have to resemble Jesus. Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do. That has to be on the tip of our tongue. Even if we suffer, we suffer in Christ. for the cross, for the truth, for the true gospel. The true gospel, not a compromised version that the world wants to serve up on a platter. Not that type. The type that only Lord Jesus gives us. Now, let's read a little scripture and be cleansed. Let's read a little scripture and be cleansed. I'm going to be reading Psalm nineteen out of the New Living Translation Tyndale version of the Bible. Psalm nineteen. The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship. Day after day they continue to speak. Night after night they make him known. They speak without a sound or word. Their voice is never heard. Yet their message has gone throughout the earth and their words to all the world. God has made a home in the heavens for the sun. It bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after his wedding. It rejoices like a great athlete to run the race. The sun arises at one end of the heavens and follows its course to the other end. Nothing can hide from its heat. The instructions of the Lord are greater, reviving the soul. The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. The commandments of the Lord are right, bringing joy to the heart. The commands of the Lord are clear, giving insight for living. Reverence for the Lord is pure. Reverence for the Lord is pure. lasting forever. That holy fear, reverence for the Lord is pure. It's pure of heart, lasting forever. The laws of the Lord are true. Each one is fair. They are more desirable than gold, even the finest gold. They are sweeter than honey, even honey dripping from the cone. They are a warning to your servant, a great reward for those who obey them. How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults. Keep your servant from deliberate sins. Don't let them control me. Then I will be free of guilt and innocent of great sin. May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Such, such truth. Let's look at another section of truth. Let's go to Ephesians three. And let's read starting with Paul's prayer for spiritual growth. When I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the father, the creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious unlimited resources, he will empower you with inner strength through his spirit. Then Christ will make his home in your hearts as you trust in him. Your roots will grow down into God's love and keep you strong. And may you have the power to understand as all God's people should, how wide, how long, how high and how deep his love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully. Then you will be made complete from all the fullness of life and power that comes from God. Now all glory to God who is able through his mighty power at work within us to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Some versions say or imagine. Glory to him in the church and in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever. Amen. Forever and ever. Amen. And I pray this prayer for you today. For the true church, the body of believers, those that are struggling to find the compass of true north and know what right is and which way to go. Because this is a confusing world that we're living in today. The darkness is threatening to consume us, but it doesn't win. We win. We win. When you read Ephesians three, I'm going to read it again, but you can put, you can change it and meaning put yourself in, as if it's talking about you. Like when it says, when I think of all this, I fall to my knees and pray to the father, the creator of everything in heaven and on earth. I pray that from his glorious riches, unlimited resources, he will empower. Now where it says you, you can put me, he will empower me. You can put your husband, he will empower my husband. You can pray this for your family members. So he will empower you or he will empower me. with inner strength through his spirit, then Christ will make his home in where it says your hearts, my heart, as I trust in him. Let own it. Change it to where it means something to you and to your family and say it with the power that it invokes. And I recommend doing that. I recommend reading Psalm chapter, reading Ephesians three, doing it and communing with our Lord, our Lord Jesus. And today I want you to grab your communion elements. You can go grab those now, whatever you may have in your home. If you have juice, if you have the little cups that I have, the little communion cups and, And go ahead and grab those right now and get ready for us to do communion. Jesus wanted to commune with his followers. He wanted them to eat of the bread of life, to become one flesh, one spirit. Because we are one spirit. The spirit of Jesus, the spirit of God is in us, the Holy Spirit that guides us into all truth. Communion is a time of love. It's a time of purity. It's a time of recognizing what Lord Jesus did on the cross for us. And Father, Abba Father sending his son to die for us. It speaks of love and redemption, restoration, healing, hope. So as we enter into communion recognizing it is a holy time It is a time for you to be alone and commune with your Lord, your Savior. To seek His wisdom and insight. It should be a part of your daily maturing in Christ. Remaining a purified bride as we await the return of our Lord. Of our Lord Jesus Christ. Purify the temple. Purify yourselves. Daily following the spirit of truth as he guides you, charts your course, directs your steps. Because we're one body united under the head, which is Christ. Maybe I'm the arm, maybe you're the leg. But we are to obey. We're warriors. We're warriors in a battle. Good versus evil. And good wins. We know it. So don't lose hope. Have faith over fear. Surrender to what Lord Jesus is trying to do to you in this season, to mature you, to move you from milk to meat. Spiritual maturity is needed now more than ever. It's needed now more than ever. Full trust in God that he'll see you through. He'll carry you through no matter what. You will be the light. in a dark world, in the room. You will be the light. Now that you've gathered your communion elements, even if you've got little bread, cracker, juice, whatever it is for you, just a little juice or a little liquid water or something, preferably juice, but hey, grab what you got. Grab what you have. There are places, people in the world that are watching this. And they don't have the luxuries that we have. So grab what you have. So, as we enter into communion, and we have our bread, and we remember Lord Jesus' sacrifice on the cross. His body was broken, battered, bruised. Stripped naked even. Riddled. Shame and guilt and those things that we often struggle with. He nailed them to the cross. Shame is nailed to the cross. Condemnation is nailed to the cross. He died so we could have abundant life and by his stripes you were healed. Lord Jesus. We break this bread and enter into communion with you, recognizing your work on the cross, the greatest love story. When you love your sheep, you died for your sheep. You died so I could have an abundant life and be set free from the bondage, the chains of sin. We are not under the condemnation of the law because you set us free. You gave us abundant life, left us with love. We look to your work on the cross with hope and strength and joy. And as we partake of this bread, we take of your body, the bread of life that sustains us, redeems us, keeps us, and restores us. We eat of your flesh. We are one with you. We are one with you. We are one with you, Christ Jesus. As we drink of your blood, Lord Jesus, as we partake in holy communion with you, recognizing your blood covers us, protects us, washes us clean, was shed on Calvary so we could live. We honor you, glorify you, exalt you, Lord Jesus. Father, we thank you for sending your son who died for us. We praise your holy name and recognize the sacredness of communion with you. It is such a beautiful, purified act of spending time with you, being in relationship and fellowship with you, recognizing your work on the cross. May we never forget what you did for us. May we resemble you to a dark world. May we never compromise, live holy and pure, showing you off to a world that is in so need of their sake. We drink of your blood now, entering into a holy communion with you, joined in flesh and blood with you, Lord Jesus. We surrender our lives to you and the will that you have. You came to do the will of the Father. Let us too yield and surrender and do the will of our Father, of a Father, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our precious Lord Jesus. We recognize this as a holy moment, a moment of purification, of cleansing, no longer bound by sin, in the wages of death, but entering into abundant life with you. Today is a new day, a day of hope, a day of rejoicing in the Lord, a day that you have made. We rejoice in it. We call forth faith over fear, love over hate, peace and joy and inclusion. For all of your children, your sheep, As they come to know you. As they come to know you. May we love as you love. May we love as you love. May we speak as you speak. May we love as you love. Perfect love drives out all fear, all hate. That doesn't mean when we say the word inclusion that we partner with sin. We don't partner with sin, but we remove the biased lens from which we look through. And we look through the lens of love and faith. And we show love to the sinner and offer them a pathway to repentance and abundant life. It doesn't mean we celebrate sin. It doesn't. For the Bible is the truth and we follow the truth. We follow the logos and the Ramos, the written and spoken word of God. The Holy Spirit speaks to us and convicts us daily. Do we listen? Do we walk away from our sinful nature, repent and turn so that we can have abundant life? Because with sin, sadly, does come, it has consequences. We have free will. We have a Father that loves us. Walk towards the light. Choose love over hate. And let Christ direct your steps this day and every day. That's today's episode of Reflective Hour. With Tammy Toney-Butler. May you see Lord Jesus in all you do. May you commune with him. May you worship him. May you let him guide you into all truth. Purging yourself of unrighteousness. Of hate, bitterness, unforgiveness. Walking as children of the light. A purified bride. who awaits the return of its ground. God bless you and keep you. I love you and Jesus loves you. Happy Valentine's Day. Let faith guide you, not fear. Fix your eyes on the cross. Perfect peace. Let the winds of change blow you into the direction of truth towards true north God bless you God bless you thank you.